Please see the specific guidelines for the category of art you are submitting to Hidden River Arts. You can refer to our website for additional information ( or email us if you have any questions at with subject line indicating in which category you are interested. Thanks so much for your interest in Hidden River Arts! We sincerely look forward to seeing your work.

Hidden River Arts offers an award of $1,000 and publication by Hidden River Press, an imprint of Hidden River Publishing, for an original book length collection of short stories.  Previous publication of individual stories is acceptable, as long as you include the list of the published stories, the journals and magazines where they appeared, date of publication and confirmation that all rights have reverted to you, as author.

 Submissions will be accepted for the 2024 cycle of the Hawk Mountain from March 1, 2024 until July 31, 2024.  Entry fee: $20 US.  

This competition is open to international submissions for all writers in English.  We also accept translated collections. The author must submit the manuscript IN ENGLISH, with the translator named and the original language included in the submission materials.  This is a writing award, not a translation award.

We accept simultaneous submissions, and ask only that you notify us immediately if your book has been accepted for publication elsewhere.  We also accept multiple submissions; each submission must be made separately.

 All submissions must include name, address, telephone number, email, website (if you have one).  A synopsis (a few sentences describing each story), an outline (the table of contents will suffice) a resume (your occupation), brief biography (all the rest of what you do with your life), and THEN full manuscript, in that order. (If any of the stories have been published in journals or anthologies previously, please provide this information as well, and certify that the rights to the story have reverted to you. This should be a separate page, to come after the resume and before the manuscript itself.)  PLEASE NOTE: You must also include a statement certifying that your work is entirely your own, and does not include anything AI-generated.  

Submissions without the required supporting materials in the requested order will not be read.  Online submission through Submittable is required. Please note that, when submitting online, all materials must be combined into ONE document before uploading.  NOTE: While we are looking for a book-length manuscript, we do not impose a word count on our submissions, trusting that our writers know the shape and scope of their book-length work, and what it takes for their project to be whole and complete.

  All awards are decided by Hidden River staff, and decisions are final.  We reserve the right to withhold the prize on any given year should our staff decide that no manuscripts meet the winning criteria, or should the number of submissions in any given year fall below the number required by our by-laws. 

Hidden River is committed to supporting human creativity and therefore we do NOT accept any AI-generated materials.  All work submitted to us must be certified by the writer to be human-generated, short, human work.

The semi-finalists, finalists and winner will be announced on our blog, so please be sure to follow us to keep up-to-date on our progress. 

   Our blog can be found at and the award progress will be reported under "News".


Hidden River Publishing has several imprints: Hidden River Press, Sowilo Press, Defarge, and Many Frog.  Please see complete information about our imprints at our website at to familiarize yourself with our categories.  If you are interested in submitting a manuscript, please query us first with a full synopsis of your manuscript, an outline, the first ten pages, a bio, publication record, your website and contact information. In your subject line please put FICTION or NONFICTION.  If we are interested, we will contact you with a request for the whole manuscript.  Please do NOT send an entire manuscript unless it is requested.  

There is a $3 submission fee that helps us to maintain our Submittable platform.  

Hidden River Arts