You attempted to access a category that has expired and is no longer available.
Please see the specific guidelines for the category of art you are submitting to Hidden River Arts. You can refer to our website for additional information ( or email us if you have any questions at with subject line indicating in which category you are interested. Thanks so much for your interest in Hidden River Arts! We sincerely look forward to seeing your work.

Hidden River Publishing has several imprints: Hidden River Press, Sowilo Press, Defarge, and Many Frog.  Please see complete information about our imprints at our website at to familiarize yourself with our categories.  If you are interested in submitting a manuscript, please query us first with a full synopsis of your manuscript, an outline, the first ten pages, a bio, publication record, your website and contact information. In your subject line please put FICTION or NONFICTION and which imprint you are submitting to.  If we are interested, we will contact you with a request for the whole manuscript.  Please do NOT send an entire manuscript unless it is requested.  

There is a $3 submission fee that helps us to maintain our Submittable platform.  

Hidden River Arts